#2 Form Generator


In this week’s project, we explored animating a parametrizable form of our choice. Inspired by my recent reading on Bell Hook’s All About Love: New Visions, I sketched morphing hearts. The notion of designing with empathy, caring for another, resonates with Hook’s comment on difficulty finding emotional connection and society’s failure to provide a model for learning to love. As Diane Ackerman puts it `Love is the most important thing in our lives, a passion for which we would fight or die, and yet we’re reluctant to linger over its names.’ With my piece, I wanted to address this yearning we have for true love, and celebrate it.

Design Process

I first made hand-sketches of heart face at a max / min scale, and went into p5js to make the drawing. I used frameRate() and random() object’s fill to vary the heart’s color to give it a thumping effect. With the mousePressed() function, the heart increases every click, accompanied by bright pop of color to express positivity.


This was definitely a fun project to do, since we were given much freedom to create a drawing of our interest. I would love to see the heart change color to audio sound, make it interactive to music. Another feature I’d like to learn to do is although the heart right now is changing in size, I want it to appear more organic rather than the current amorphous shape.